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Product Features

Action and Shooter
Release Date
June 08, 2007
Available Platforms
PC, XBox

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Halo 2

The original Halo was one of that rare breed of games that was so compelling it persuaded millions of people to go out and buy a new console just to play it. Without Halo the Xbox would probably have failed instantly, which gives this long awaited sequel an incredible amount to live up to. So far relatively little has been seen of the game but what has been revealed seems to surpass the original with startling ease. Widely regarded as the best first-person shoot-'em-up ever made for a home console, Halo 2 follows in its forebear's footsteps with a perfect blend of single and multiplayer action. The former offers far more variety than the first game as the battle is brought to Earth and the incredible advances in the game's AI, as well as just its graphics, become immediately obvious. There...

  • Austin November 21, 2008 PC

    A great game in a Halo sequel this is the second. It has more action and a great dual wielding feature. The
    Master chief(John 117) is a super armored human fighter. He continues his battle with the alien Covenant in a long hard battle.