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Product Features

Action and Shooter
Release Date
March 19, 2010
Available Platforms
PlayStation 3

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God of War 3

God of War 3 (PS3)

  • Barry Aldridge March 29, 2010 PS3

    God Of War III is one of the best looking games I have ever seen. The graphics are the best I have ever seen in a video game. It looks outstanding that sometimes I forget if I am watching a Blu-Ray or playing a game. There maybe some problems with the look but it is only minor and you shouldn't focus on it.

    The music in this game is fantastic, it reminds watching the original Star Wars Trilogy and the Lord Of The Rings films. I'm glad it was all done at Skywalker Ranch in California which gives the sound a more stellar feel, which is fantastic.

    The story is fantastic, it continues from God Of War II while Kratos wants revenge on the gods especially Zeus. I will say it isn't as good as the others on storytelling because you sort of expect what is going to happen at the end but it's an excellent story.

    The gameplay is fantastic and very easy to control while at times you may forget some of the controls because there are so many combo and special moves to learn, but over time you will get used to them.

    Overall I love this game and so worth buying. If you are new to the God Of War games it is worth checking out.