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Product Features

Action and Shooter
Electronic Arts
Release Date
February 26, 2010
Available Platforms
PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, XBox 360

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  • Rhys December 28, 2010 PS3

    Dante's Inferno is a great 3rd person action/fighting/fantasy game. In this game you are Dante and you have been sent down to brave the seven circles of hell to retrieve your lover's soul. On the way you must solve various puzzles, fight off brilliantly designed demons and other hell-bound creatures in seven delightfully gory, aesthetically pleasing and living environments.
    As i said, the graphics in this game are second to none and there has clearly been alot of thought been put into the gameplay, interaction with surroundings/enemies and the relevance to each of the circles of hell.
    You are given the choice to absolve or condem famous historical figures earning souls to spend on new abilities and attributes, with slight religious undertones such as being able to send Pontius Pilot further into hell or to absolve him.
    The game is alot of fun, the controls are easy to get the hang of, although sometimes button-bashing is the best way which i, personally, don't like to see in a game.
    fights are interesting and bosses are intricate and always require logic to destroy. Although sometimes, the smaller fights do get a bit repetitive.
    The game is very gory, with lots of blood, disemboweling and decapitating it is not easy to get bored of.
    However, the story itself is quite short, it only has about 8 levels, each of which may take about 45mins- 1hour to complete. But believe me, it will be one of the most fun, scary, gory, confusing 8 hours that your playstation has seen.
    I would give it 4 Stars!