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Product Features

Action and Shooter
Take 2 Interactive
Release Date
October 21, 2008
Available Platforms
PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 3, XBox 360

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BioShock is a revolution in the shooter genre that will forever change the expectations for the FPS. Going beyond "run and gun corridors," "monster-closet AIs" and static worlds, BioShock creates a living, unique and unpredictable FPS experience. BioShock is the Shooter 2.0. After your plane crashes into icy uncharted waters, you discover a rusted bathysphere and descend into Rapture, a city hidden beneath the sea. Constructed as an idealistic society for a hand picked group of scientists, artists and industrialists, the idealism is no more. Now the city is littered with corpses, wildly powerful guardians roam the corridors as little girls loot the dead, and genetically mutated citizens ambush you at every turn. Take control of your world by hacking mechanical devices, commandeering security...

  • Michael Kerr April 30, 2010 360

    Recently, next gen consoles have become saturated with average FPS games. However there are several gems hidden that are well worth playing. Bioshock starts spectacularly, draws the player in with immersive plot, dialogue and environments all the while providing innovative ideas that keep the gameplay fresh.

    The plot is often heralded as the best part of Bioshock and indeed it would not be out of place in a high budget film. It is very well written and executed as well as immensely intriguing and satisfying to experience. The environment of rapture is a joy to play through - the water graphics are spectacular and each area brings new scenery. Finally, the firefights would be mediocre if not for the use of plasmids which drastically alter how each battle progresses.

    The only bad points I would mention is sometimes questionable AI. Everything else is near perfect and I haven't even mentioned the music and atmosphere! A must have game.

  • Chris Minton February 24, 2010 360

    "Would you kindly..."

    Like the last days of Rome in a fish tank. Bioshock...the game that gave life to one of the most iconic video game characters of all time...the Big Daddy!

    In Bioshock you utilise weapons and plasmids to fight your way through the underwater city of Rapture, unearthing its secrets through the plethora of audio diaries scattered throughout the game. 'Gene splicing' has given the inhabitants supernatural powers...but has also turned them all insane in the membrane. Of course there is the standard choice of weapons you would expect to see in any first person shooter, but if you want to survive longer than five minutes you're going to have to use your plasmids. Fired from your left hand while your right holds your standard weapon, plasmids can electrocute, freeze, burn and much more. You gather new and more powerful weapons and plasmids as the game goes on. Plasmids and gene tonics (which enhance and give you new abilities) can be purchased with Adam - the life source of Rapture. Eve powers your plasmids and you're constantly searching for your next fix! Little Sisters protected by the infamous Big Daddy's gather Adam from dead bodies and it's from the Little Sisters that you gain your supply. But first you must dispose of Daddy! Once this behemoth is defeated you have a choice to test both your morals and your conscience. Do you rescue or harvest the Little Sisters. Harvesting gives you more Adam to spend to improve your character's abilities but kills the Little Sister in the process. Rescuing them gives you a smaller amount of Adam but at least you can sleep soundly at night...Your choices also affect the ending of the game. So choose carefully!

    An immersive, absorbing story with plenty of shocks and a surprising twist at the end...this is what a game would play like if M. Night Shyamalan penned the script. With the recent release of the second installment, if you haven't played the original do it now!

    Verdict: Excellent.

  • faye gardner February 16, 2010 360

    In Bioshock you enter the world of Rapture, an underwater city. Although the concept is genius the man in charge of Rapture is clearly a lunatic and has let the city slump down into a barren wasteland leaving everyone to fight amongst themselves. In the opening cinematics your plane crashes alongside a rogue lighthouse in the middle of the sea. As your plane's tail begins to be devoured by the sea you swim towards the lighthouse and to a new future in the world of Rapture. As the story develops it provides non-stop action leaving the gamer on the edge of his/her seat at all times. There are twists, dives and plummets that not many games deliver, it really has to be played to experience the work of art 2K Games put together for Bioshock. 4.9 / 5

    The graphics are no less than fantastic, from the opening cinematic to walking around Rapture the level of detail is like no other. The game provides variety in each different part of Rapture and leaves you stunned how any artist was able to develop such beautiful yet gloomy environments. The balance is uncanny and deserves praise as much of the game leaves you stunned as you walk amongst the walls of rapture. 4.9 / 5

    The gameplay is not much different from other first person shooters. The combat is fast and smooth with a huge variety of enemies to face as you explore the city. There are many weapons to discover in rapture, along with different kinds of ammo and plasmids. Plasmids are abilities that need the substance Eve injected through the veins. They provide the user with the ability to throw substances like fire and ice with many more to be found to be used. This only adds a new spin on the gameplay that you wouldn't find in common shooters like Call of Duty. 4.9 / 5

    The controls are well designed with no flaws in trying to find different items or weapons in your inventory. Face buttons such as 'B' give you first aid and 'X' to inject Eve. The control face is well thought out leaving it easy to regenerate health, eve or ammo in the heat of battle. 4.9 / 5

    Probably the best thing about Bioshock, it has a brilliant voice casting. The game provides most of its storyline via a radio that you carry around. The voice acting is first class and provides every next step clearly and with a reason you need to take the next step. Meanwhile it shows emotion in the persons voice whether it be anger or sadness 2K games have delivered nothing short of spectacular on this front. 5 / 5

    Easily to see why the game got 'Game of the Year' a few years back. With this price it has to be a certain purchase otherwise your only missing out on a game that will forever be known as a classic 4.9 / 5