Official DVD Remote Control SCPH 10172 3

Admit it: all in all, the PS2 is a pretty good video game console, but it's a mediocre DVD player. Easily the most major sin Sony committed against DVDphiles was the initial unavailability of an official remote control. Because the PS2 gamepad is a stunningly poor substitute for a real remote, Sony's official remote control entry comes as a welcome, but not quite perfect, solution. Compared to most third-party PS2 remotes, Sony's design is much less childish. It's quite comfy, and, aside from a few extra buttons modelled after the PS2 controller (X, O, R1, R2, etc.), it features the same style as most of Sony's slick AV remotes. Tragically, Sony omitted both eject and power buttons. What were they thinking? The supplied new software drivers add quite a bit of functionality to the PS2, making...